Antelope Point Marina
Houseboat Videos

These groups of videos show you everything you need to know for a safe, successful, and fun outing on Antelope Point Marina’s houseboat and small boat rentals. There’s no better way to experience lake life on Lake Powell.

Elite Class Houseboat Orientation Video

Explorer, Adventurer & Luxury Class Houseboat Video

Antelope Point Marina provides the best houseboat rental experience on Lake Powell. Our location gets you closer to your on-lake destination – saving you not only time, but also money through lower gas expenses. This video details everything you’ll need to know about operating our Elite Class, Explorer, Adventurer, and Luxury Class rental houseboats on Lake Powell. It covers safety features, driving operations, systems as well as all the boat’s other gear including wet bars, BBQ and water slides. Bring a group of friends, a like life attitude, and prepare for the worry-free Lake Powell adventure of a lifetime.

How to Anchor a Houseboat on Lake Powell

How to Anchor Antelope Point Marina Rental Houseboat on Lake Powell

A Lake Powell rental houseboat adventure can’t be beat. Watch this video from Antelope Point Marina to learn how to properly, safely, and securely anchor your rental houseboat on any of Lake Powell’s beautiful sand beaches. We teach you how to do everything from approaching the beach, to finding the right anchor angles, to properly digging holes, and burying your anchors. Anchor line tightening and daily maintenance activities are covered too. Rent your Lake Powell houseboat from Antelope Point Marina for the worry-free adventure of a lifetime.

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